House Cleaning

A-Z Guide to Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring brings new beginnings. Make the season useful and productive with DG Cleaning and Carpet Care’s A-Z cleaning guide. A to Z Spring Cleaning Guide | DG Cleaning and Carpet Care Accessories: Tidy up clothing, accessories, and shoes Appliances: Wipe off ovens, clean fridges, dust washers, and dryers Bake ware: Scrub off caked-on messes Baseboards Batteries: Change…

Pressure Washing the Floor

Tips to Properly Pressure Wash your Commercial and Residential Establishment

When it comes to cleaning our homes, nothing could beat power washing or pressure washing as compared to other house cleaning methods. Popular in both residential and business cleaning, power washing is reliable, fast, and efficient. The power pressure system offers many good benefits. To name a few, first, it has no limits as to what it can clean.…