Why You Should Have a Year-End Cleaning Ritual?
For most families in Naples, Florida it has been a tradition to end the year right with an annual routine house cleaning. But have you ever wondered why most people practice such beliefs? Are they really true to what most they say about the tradition? Are they helpful and beneficial in these modern times? Take a glimpse of what this year-end ritual is all about and probably this traditional cleaning ritual can help you for the coming New Year with a fresh start and a better year ahead.
History and Other Cultures
According to some researchers, this year-end cleaning dates back to Persian times where under the Persian calendar a ritual called “khooneh tekouni”, means “shaking the house”, is practiced by thoroughly cleaning the house. A belief by Persians that a newly cleaned home is ready to welcome a New Year.
While for Jewish tradition, tracing back during the Jewish festival of Passover, they practice by removing leftovers of “chametz”, or leavened bread from their homes.
Another popular year-ender house cleaning is “osouji”, a Japanese traditional way of welcoming the New Year by cleansing and purifying a home. They believed they should welcome and prepare their homes for the visit of Toshigami, a Shinto deity that brings good luck and good health to families before a New Year.
1. Encourages a more productive mentality
Being more organized, tidy, and clean will make you more productive, both at work and at home. Clean and healthy environments empower the mind to be a more focused and efficient worker. With increased productivity, more quality and efficient results, and more money coming in.
Annual home clean-up gives you an opportunity to make an inventory of unused clothes or items. Those unused things can be donated to charity shops, Salvation Army, or for a garage sale to collect some few bucks from your old clothing investments.
If you find this ritual house clean-up a bit challenging and difficult, consider calling in the experts who have the thorough knowledge, long years of experience, and the right equipment to help make your house or office clean, spotless, and ready for the New Year ahead.
2. Less Safety Hazards
A neat and well-organized house can reduce the risk of getting injured. Minimal clutter and a well-orderly placement of things around help a lot in keeping safety measures in a home. Pre-emptively check for dangerous items or loose things like toys, unstable stacks of boxes, and books that can possibly hurt somebody.
3. Practice Minimalism
In these modern times, less is more. Probably it is time to clear out things or items that you don’t need and focus more on present and prioritized needs. Start off by removing more and more and you will eventually see the difference between less being more.
4. Promote New Habits
Starting off the new year by comprehensively cleaning the house encourages a person to embrace change for new habits. Bringing the old you to a new me. However, as for most people changing overnight takes time and practice, but this new cleaning ritual will help you somehow enlighten the need for some changes with improved habits.
5. Benefits Mental Health
Deep cleaning the furniture, sanitizing room spaces, and proper arrangement of things inside your home can benefit your mental health. A clean, healthy, and well-organized house helps lighten the mood, de-stress anxiety caused by cluttering things around and stimulate a positive ambiance in a home. In addition, with this routine cleaning not only it.
6. Helps Better Sleeping Habits
As known in studies sleep and depression are linked together. Lack of sleep can lead to depression, and depression is detrimental to health. Prevent depression by keeping the inside spaces of your home clean, healthy living conditions, and a place of calm for the restful body. By simply routinely changing your sheets or replacing your old bed with new upgrades can make a big difference in your sleeping habits.
7. Peacefulness
Your home is your abode of peace. Deep clean, organize things and set up your home as a liveable, tidy-as-new, and stress-free place for this holiday season as you welcome a new and challenging New Year ahead.
Cleaning Tips
1. Set your mind.
Annually, make this your traditional year-end cleaning routine to cleanse the old year and make room for a new year. In this way, it sets your mind with a fresh start and a strong sense to achieve new, challenging, and bigger goals.
2. Categorize the workloads.
Make an inventory of everything and sort them out based on its needs such as most important, less important, and not important, particularly for donation, trash, or recycling. For important items or things, properly make a list and label them or simply stick the list outside of the box. In addition, use binders, paper clips, or folders so it would be convenient and easy for retrieval and accessibility.
3. Clean like a pro.
If you have the time to clean up thoroughly the house, do it seriously like a professional. Effective and efficient cleaning can be achieved properly with the right cleaning procedure and equipment or tools. It is important to clean the house properly to get the best results and worth of your time.
However, if you do not have the time to clean up your house, consider calling in the professionals for assistance. The experts have the proper training, experience, and the right tools to clean, sanitize and prepare any house or office for the New Year ahead.
4. Declutter.
One of the ways to work efficiently in a work-from-home or office setting is to keep your work area clutter-free. Only important things or items related to your kind of work should be placed on the table or desk. Avoid unnecessary or other not-so-work-related personal items, the more minimum the better.
5. Maintain.
Once you have a cleaning system in place, hold it and keep it that way. Having a simple habit of cleaning, clearing, and starting up new helps a lot with the daily schedule task. The routine schedule or organizing, keeping things in order, and clean-up make life easier and more beneficial for your productivity.
For more cleaning tips, check out our other articles:
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Naples, FL’s Most Trusted House Cleaning Experts
Annual year-end house cleaning is important to keep the house clean, safe and healthy, and stress-free for the coming New Year. DG Cleaning and Carpet LLC provide premium upholstery cleaning services to residents of Naples, FL including Golden Gate, East Naples, Marco Island, Naples Park, Naples Manor, Pine Ridge, and North Naples.
DG Cleaning and Carpet LLC have a team of cleaning experts with years of experience, skills with training, and is equipped with the latest equipment and devices to deliver the best upholstery cleaning in Naples, Florida.
Naples, FL’s House Cleaning Experts
To learn more about year-end cleaning and other services, contact DG Cleaning and Carpet LLC at 239-438-4703, or message us to request pricing today!